Program Materials Include...
• Evaluation forms and certificates of achievement;
• A set of charts/posters to be used as teaching aids;
• An audio tape with prerecorded guided visualization activities;
• Two (2) comprehensive Facilitator's Manuals with step-by-step instructions for achieving specific
learning objectives during each 2½ hour weekly group meeting;
• Twenty (20) companion Father's Journals, an interactive workbook completed by each group
member to enhance their knowledge and growth
Program Activities Address...
1. The Roots of Fathering
2. Nurturing Ourselves/Our Children
3. Fathering Sons/Fathering Daughters
4. Discipline Without Violence
5. Playing with Children
6. Managing Anger/Resolving Conflict
7. Teamwork with Spouse/Partner
8. Balancing Work and Fathering
9. Communication and Problem Solving
10. Cultural Influences
11. Dealing with Feelings
12. The Father I Choose To Be