Billings, Montana

Nurturing Parenting Program Coordinator
Julie Christensen  406.252.9799 ext. 110

Executive Director
Stacy Dreessen
406.252.9799 ext. 112


Family Nurturing Center of Montana
Billings Exchange Clubs’ C.A.P. Center

Mission Statement
The Family Tree Center is committed to the prevention of all types of child abuse and neglect in Yellowstone County and the surrounding areas.

To support, strengthen, and educate children and families in ways that enhance their growth and well-being: to stop the hurt before it happens”


About Us
Since 1985 The Family Tree Center has been meeting the needs of families in Yellowstone County and the surrounding areas by supporting and strengthening parents and children through our programs and services.

Classes and Programs
The Nurturing Parenting Program for parents of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, grade school aged children and adolescents. Developmentally sequenced classes include a group for parents as well as a group for children.

Respite Child Care provides parents the opportunity for self-care, thus addressing one of the single biggest risk factors for child abuse and neglect while at the same time providing a fun, developmentally appropriate environment for children.

The Parent Aide Home Visiting Model provides families with a staff or volunteer mentor who works weekly with them in their homes on a variety of goals designed to insure that children are safe and parents have the tools they need to best nurture their children.

Prevention Education through information and workshops aimed at promoting resiliency and holistic health for all family members.

The Montana Women's Prison Parenting Program provides parenting classes, support groups, community resource information and identification, mother-child visits and a monthly Kid's Day event for mothers incarcerated in the Montana Women's Prison in Billings.

Supporting Kids of Incarcerated Parents (SKIP) assists caregivers and incarcerated parents with providing children a stable and supportive environment, explaining incarceration to children and formulating reunification plans.

All of our programs are offered in a manner that works to remove barriers for parents who might not otherwise be able to participate in the absence of child care, convenient times and location, and the provision of food at all group based events.

Our programs are available to ALL self-referred families regardless of their ability to pay. Some of our programs and classes are provided at no charge. Participation in any of the programs is voluntary and strictly confidential.