Nurturing Parenting Programs  AAPI-2 & Other Assessments

How do I administer the AAPI-2?

The Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory is designed as a pre/post test assessment. Form A is administered at the beginning of the program and Form B is administered at the end of the program. The information on the form is entered in your online account at Once the data is entered you can print the Parenting Profile that contains the scores and risk levels.

What is the purpose of the assessments?

The functional purpose of assessment is to gather information for decision makers. Families, professionals in the helping fields, agency administrators and funding sources are typical decision makers that rely on information to assist them in their decision making. Assessment data can help professionals in several ways:

  1. Assessment data can assist professionals in deciding if parents have achieved an acceptable level of parenting competence. This is of critical importance in placement or re-unification decisions.
  2. Assessment data can also help determine if the instruction or program would need to be modified to meet the needs of the families being served.
  3. Funding sources make gathering research and evaluation data on the effectiveness of program mandatory for future or continued funding. Agencies who gather assessment data stand a much higher probability in receiving funding.

What is the difference between the AAPI and The NSCS?

  • The NSCS is a criterion referenced, self-report inventory designed to provide comprehensive information about the "quality of life" issues that families face as they attempt to put into practice the new parenting beliefs, knowledge and skills.
  • The AAPI-2 is an inventory designed to assess the parenting and child rearing attitudes of adolescents and adult parent and pre-parent populations. Based on the known parenting and child rearing behaviors of abusive parents, responses to the inventory provide an index of risk for practicing behaviors known to be attributable to child abuse and neglect.

Is the assessing parenting site secure?

By selecting the Benefits tab on the home page a listing of the techniques we use to ensure reliability, security and availability is displayed.

Are agency backups necessary?

Yes, we recommend agencies perform regular backups to personally ensure their own agency data.

I'm in the assessing parenting site and can't start an assessment?

First you need to create a Program under the Programs Tab.  The name of the Program is unique to you.

How do I edit my account?

To edit your account on the Home Page click 'edit my account'. You can then update information such as name, address, phone, email, username and password. Family Development Resources will be automatically updated with the new information.

Does the pre and posts assessments together count as 1?

Every time you score a form it counts as 1 and is subtracted from your account.