Nurturing Parenting Programs Research & Validation Studies - 2015 to 1983
Randomized Controlled Trial is a controlled trial study in which participants are assigned to a study group. In a
The primary goal of conducting an RCT is to test whether an intervention works by comparing it to a control condition, usually either no intervention or an alternative intervention.
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Cherry, K, Cooper, C, Cross-Hemmer, A, Duong, T, Furrer, C, Green, B, Rockhill, A, Rodgers, A, "Executive Summary: Oregon's IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project." Relationship-Based Visitation & Parent Mentor Evaluations. Center for the Improvement of Child and Family Services Portland State University. December 2015
Cherry, K, Cooper, C, Cross-Hemmer, A, Duong, T, Furrer, C, Green, B, Rockhill, A, Rodgers, A, "Oregon's IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project: Final Evaluation Report." Relationship-Based Visitation & Parent Mentor Evaluations. Center for the Improvement of Child and Family Services Portland State University. December 2015
Illinois Birth Through Three Waiver: "Developmentally Informed Child and Family Interventions IB3." Semiannual Progress Report. Prepared for the Children's Bureau, Submitted by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services. July 31, 2015