Tertiary Prevention - Treatment 16 Group-Based Sessions with 7 Individual Home/Parent Sessions Each session runs 2 1/2 (Group) & 1 - 1 1/2 (Individual Home/Parent Sessions) hours - Tertiary Prevention B5 - Birth to 5 Stephen J. Bavolek, Ph.D. Family Development Resources, Inc. * NurturingParenting.com * 1.800.688.5822 *Available in Spanish **Available in Spanish & Other Languages Nurturing Skills Competency Scale (NSCS) - ONLY AVAILABLE ONLINE The Nurturing Skills Competency Scale (NSCS) is a comprehensive criterion referenced measure designed to gather demographic data of the family, as well as knowledge and utilization of Nurturing Parenting practices. Used in conjunction with the AAPI, the NSCS provides an index of Low, Moderate or High Risk for child maltreatment. Parents & Their Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers - 16 Sessions Validated from years of Research To Order the 16 Session Group-Based Infant, Toddler, and Preschooler Program All items listed below are included in a complete program or sold separately. Manuals Code Price Each Total Price 2 Facilitator’s Instructional Manual-Group/Home W/ Forms CD NP2GIM16-CD $ 30.00 $ 60.00 2 Facilitator’s Instructional Manual-Children NP2CIM16 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 15 Parent Handbook AND/OR NP2PHB* $ 15.00 $ 225.00 15 15 Easy Reader Parent Handbook NPER** (4th grade reading level) Resource Materials 1 Implementation Manual NPIMP $ 30.00 $ 30.00 1 Multicultural Parenting Guide MCG $ 25.00 $ 25.00 15 Nurturing Book for Babies and Children NBBC* $ 15.00 $ 225.00 15 Infant Massage Handbook IFM-H* $ 6.00 $ 90.00 15 Red, White & Bruises Booklet RWB* $ 1.00 $ 15.00 D DVDs and CDs 1 Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers NP2DVD* $ 385.00 $ 385.00 1 Red, White & Bruises SPK1DVD $ 39.95 $ 39.95 1 I’m Only Doing This For Your Own Good SPK2DVD* $ 84.95 $ 84.95 1 Intro to the Art of Infant Massage IFM-SDVD $ 24.95 $ 24.95 Games 2 Nurturing Game NG* $ 25.00 $ 50.00 2 2 Dynamic Doers/Pair It Card Game DD* $ 10.00 $ 20.00 2 Ask It – Tell It Game ASK* $ 10.00 $ 20.00 Assessments and Evaluations 60 AAPI/NSCS Online Administrations AOL60** $ 2.50 $ 150.00 Instructional Aids 1 Feeling Faces (pkg/15) FF $ 25.00 $ 25.00 1 Nurturing Coloring Books (pkg/15) CB* $ 25.00 $ 25.00 1 1 Scary Touch Dolls (pkg/6) SD $ 10.00 $ 10.00 1 Our Bodies (Children 3-7 years) OB2 $ 15.00 $ 15.00 Certificates 1 Parent’s Certificates (pkg/20) CERP** $ 5.00 $ 5.00 1 Children’s Certificates (pkg/20) CERC* $ 5.00 $ 5.00 1 Facilitator’s Certificates (pkg/20) CERF** $ 5.00 $ 5.00 1 Volunteers Certificates (pkg/20) CERV* $ 5.00 $ 5.00 T To Order Use Code, NP2-16 Program W/ 15 NP2PHB - $ 1,589.85 Program W/ 15 NPER - $ 1,589.85 Program W/ 15 NP2PHB & 15 NPER - $ 1,814.85 41