Family Development Resources, Inc. * * 1.800.688.5822 *Available in Spanish **Available in Spanish & Other Languages Assessments and Inventories Nurturing Skills Competency Scale (NSCS) on To Order Use Code, AOL Administrations can be used for AAPI, NSCS or PARTI AOL1 1 to 10 administrations $ 10.00 per administration AOL11 11 to 25 admins $ 6.00 per admin AOL26 26 to 59 admins $ 4.00 per admin AOL60 60 to 400 admins $ 2.50 per admin AOL401 401 to 1,000 admins $ 2.25 per admin AOLOVER1K AOLOVER1K Over 1,000 admins $ 2.00 per admin Nurturing Skills Competency Scale (NSCS) is a criterion-referenced scale designed to gather information in six constructs that can have a significant role in family dysfunction including child abuse and neglect and intimate partner violence. The six constructs of the NSCS are: A. My current lifestyle and living conditions; B. My childhood and relationships with my parents; C. My relationship with the father/mother of my children or current partner; There are two di There are two different versions of the NSCS that are designed for two different populations of parents you might be working with: Long Version (LV) The LV version is particularly useful in assessing individuals and family members with a high risk for child maltreatment; who are currently receiving child welfare services for abuse or neglect; who are ordered to attend parenting classes; who have a history of violence towards children and spouses/partners; or who have come to the attention of social services in need of parenting education. The The LV has approximately 80 items that address all six constructs presented above. Different NSCS’s are developed for each nurturing program and may have a different number of items. The information generated from the NSCS-LV is presented on a parenting profile. Responses per construct range from Below Average to Average to Above Average. Short Short Version (SV) is ideally suited for average families who are not receiving services for child abuse and neglect, who have not been referred for parenting education, and who have no reportable history of domestic violence. The SV with approximately 50 items is designed primarily for use with low-risk, or average families not receiving or re- ferred for parenting education. The SV provides a parenting profile with scores in three of the six NSCS constructs: Construct A: My current lifestyle and living conditions; Construct E: My Knowledge of Nurturing Parenting Practices; and Construct F: My utilization of Nurturing Skills. D. My relationship with my children and family; E. My knowledge of nurturing parenting practices; F. My Utilization of nurturing parenting strategies and skills. Six Nurturing Skills Competency Scales (NSCS) have been added to in both the Long Version and the Short Version and are available in English and Spanish: • Prenatal Families • Parents & Adolescents • Parents & School-Age Children • Parents & their Children Birth to Five • Teen (Young) Parents & their Children Birth to Five • Families in Nurturing Skills Programs 65